4th September 2019 |
Mating news
We are very pleased to say that we have mated Mishka (Bergleerson Star) with Neo (Darco Leon Kral`ovce of Pagency)
And pregnancy has been confirmed and puppies are expected around the 29th September
We are also very pleased to advise that we have had a mating between Ruby (Bergleerson Conway) and Bruin (Machk Bruin du Plateau Bavarois).
She was scanned on the 2nd September she has puppies but we have to have another scan on the 9th September to confirm whether she is still carrying puppies or reabsorbing them so watch this space
30th August 2019 |
Happy 3rd Birthday
Happy 3rd Birthday to all of Mishka`s first litter Hendricks, Oscar, Loki, Phoebe, Yogi, Lando, Ruby hope you all have a great day and some lovely treats.
And where ever Remy and Maximus are hope you are playing over the rainbow bridge with your Nana Gracie
18th August 2019 |
Happy 5th Birthday
Happy 5th Birthday to all of Beau`s first litter Rosie, Simba, Walter, Alfie, Albert, Daisy, Baloo, Max. Have a great day Rosie will enjoy her steak later .Can`t believe it`s 5 years ago where does the time go
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18th August 2019 |
Cant believe it`s 2 years today
Very sad to announce that earlier this evening we had to make the very hard decision to let our beautiful, crazy, funny girl Gracie (Leonmoor Hellcat) go across to the Rainbow Bridge.
She was diagnosed at the beginning of the week with a massive cancerous mass in her lungs that was, unfortunately, inoperable ... fortunately she has not suffered and, for that at least, we are very grateful.
We are so very thankful that Gracie picked us when she was a tiny(ish!) 8 Week old puppy and we are so grateful to Grant & Mandy Saggers for giving us the chance to have 7+ amazing years with our beautiful girl.
We'll never forget you sweet Gracie and we miss you so much already.
R.I.P. Gracie 29th April 2010 - 18th August 2017.
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10th August 2019 |
Happy 1st Birthday
Happy 1st birthday day to Banjo`s 1st Litter Hugo ,Igor, Amos,Bear, Kimba, Maggie,Zara,Cleo hope you all have a great day from Mummy,Granddad Bruin,Beau,Bailey,Mishka,Rosie,Crosby, Ruby And Nanna and Granddad Frank
Big Hugs to you all |
4th August 2019 |
Mating Update - August 2019
We are very pleased to say that we have mated Mishka (Bergleerson Star) with Neo (Darco Leon Kral`ovce of Pagency) ALSO We are also very pleased to advise that we have had a mating between Ruby (Bergleerson Conway) and Bruin (Machk Bruin du Plateau Bavarois).
Both girls will be scanned around the end of August 2019 to hopefully confirm pregnancies - if successful puppies should be born on or around the 5th October and would be due to leave for their forever homes on or around 30th November 2019.
26th July 2019 |
News Update
Hi All
Phoebe has gone to her new forever home and she now lives with Alfie. She has already been to Switzerland & Cornwall on her holidays and, like Alife, I'm sure it won’t be the last trip to either destination.
Mishka and Ruby have both come into season and hopefully we will be mating them with Bruin (if they let him near them!) - we will keep you posted on that score.
Mishka and Bruin have both passed the required eye tests with Ruby taking and passing hers last October. |
28th May 2019 |
Happy Birthday
Happy 5th Birthday to Gracie’s second litter.... have a lovely day Mishka, Gary, Gunner, Logan, A.J., Sasha, Daisy, Heidi, Bilbo, Musafa and Blue |
22nd May 2019 |
Bergleerson Fun Day
Hi All,
A big Thank You to everyone that came to the 2019 Bergleerson Funday on Saturday - it was lovely to see you all and 'our babies'(!!) and also to meet new Leonberger owners. We hope that you had a great time and that you can make it to the 2020 event on 16th May 2020!
Take care and thanks again.
Ann & Frank
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13th May 2019 |
Leo fun day
Hi All,
We are pleased to advise that we are holding another Fun Day Again it will be an event with the main emphasis on the Dogs (and their owners!!) being able to have a nice time and a get together in a safe and secure environment.
It is on Saturday the 18th May 2019 @ 13:00-17:00
@ Grenoside Community Centre, Main Street, Grenoside, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S35 8PR
Food wise there will be a 'Bring & Share' table - Tea, Coffee Pop and Squash will be available
ALL DOGS & FRIENDS Welcome - please let us know beforehand if you are attending just so we have an idea on numbers. Ample Car Parking. |
29th April 2019 |
Happy Birthday
Happy 9th Birthday to our baby girl Gracie hope you are having a good time over the rainbow bridge still miss you very very much πΎππΎ |
21st April 2019 |
Birthday of Gracie`s 3rd litter
Happy 4th Birthday to Banjo, Sienna, Hector, Bo Jangles, Bear, Bruce, Olive, Elsa and precious memories of Leo who is still sadly missed
Hope you all have a great day
Love from all at Bergleerson and especially from Daddy Bruin
Keep those tails wagging!!!
16th April 2019 |
It is with great sadness Simba (Bergleerson Blackhawk) (little black boy ) from our first litter had to go over the rainbow bridge hopefully his brother Bentley and mummy Gracie will be there to show him the way,
I am sure your human mummy and daddy are πΎππΎ missing you already πΎππΎ |
10th April 2019 |
Happy 2nd Birthday
Happy second birthday to Rosies first litter Crosby,Blu,Olie,Tara,Wilma,Mable,Minnasota,Sam
hope you all have a great day :) :) |
8th April 2019 |
Just a reminder of our Fun Day
Hi All,
We are pleased to advise that we are holding another Fun Day Again it will be an event with the main emphasis on the Dogs (and their owners!!) being able to have a nice time and a get together in a safe and secure environment.
It is on Saturday the 18th May 2019
@ Grenoside Community Centre, Main Street, Grenoside, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S35 8PR
Food wise there will be a 'Bring & Share' table - Tea, Coffee Pop and Squash will be available
ALL DOGS & FRIENDS Welcome - please let us know beforehand if you are attending just so we have an idea on numbers. Ample Car Parking. |
25th March 2019 |
No Puppies
It is disappointing to say there are no puppies for Mishka or Rosie at this time |
13th March 2019 |
It is with great sadness Bentley (Bergleerson Louis Blue) (little blue boy ) from our first litter had to go over the rainbow bridge hopefully his mummy Gracie will be there to show him the way,
Jozette Sheppard Bentley was her baby Today our big soft teddy bear lost his battle and we had to say goodbye π for the short 6 years he was a massive part of our lives that can never be replaced. Your impact was as huge as you were πΎππΎ missing you already πΎππΎ
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7th March 2019 |
Mishka is due to have her scan
We are pleased to say we have mated Mishka (Bergleerson Star) with Bruin (Machk Bruin Du Plateau Bavarois (IMP BEL)
We will have her scanned on the 16th March to see if she has taken if successful puppies will be due around the 14th April
waiting list for this litter is 5 for boys and 4 for girls |
5th March 2019 |
No Puppies
Am very disappointed to say Rosie (Bergleerson Chattanooga) is not pregnant. She had her scan today and no Baby’s :( :(
24th February 2019 |
Our Dogs and Puppies
We started feeding our first 2 girls – Gracie & Beau with Royal Canin for Giant Puppy … we changed to feeding them Raw after Grant Saggers (Leonmoor) wrote an article after painstaking research into the benefits of Raw Feeding.
ALL our dogs since then have been fed Raw and we have continued to notice definite benefits to our dogs – livelier, improved coats, great teeth, no bad breath – when our puppies leave us for their forever homes they have been weaned onto raw from about 3/4 Weeks old.
We initially bought commercial brands but now we purchase all meats (including Green Tripe for which we are licensed by DEFRA) from a local abattoir and it is all prepared and bagged by ourselves. All meats purchased (except for Green Tripe) are fit for Human consumption.
In the link below is a selection of photographs showing the food our dogs are fed as part of their raw diet. They also have raw (Never Ever Cooked) bones, whole chicken carcasses, eggs, pilchards, mackerel sprats and they also love vegetables such as Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots and Sweet Potatoes etc.
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14th February 2019 |
Mishka Mating
We are pleased to say we have mated Mishka (Bergleerson Star) with Bruin (Machk Bruin Du Plateau Bavarois (IMP BEL)
We will have her scanned on the 17th March to see if she has taken if successful puppies will be due around the 14th April
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12th February 2019 |
Happy 6th Birthday to all of Litter 1
Happy 6th Birthday to all of Litter 1 Bailey, Harper, Ruaridh, Bentley, Harley, Amber Simba, and Teddy & Maisie hope you all have a great day lots of Hug’s from all of us Sister Bailey sister Mishka and Sister Banjo Nieces Ruby and Phoebe
I am sure your Mummy is watching over all of you xx |
2nd February 2019 |
We are pleased to say we have mated Rosie (Bergleerson Chattanooga) with Neo (Darco Leon Kral`ovce of Pagency)
We will have her scanned on the 5th March to see if she has taken if successful puppies will be due around the 5th April
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30th January 2019 |
Happy Birthday
Happy 1st Birthday to Bailey, Tundra, Lionel, Arine, Snowdon, Kilda, Elsa, Ludo,Nugget Mishka`s second litter the time has gone by so fast Hope you all have a great day XXX |
23rd January 2019 |
At last Rosie (Bergleerson Chattanooga) has come into season so hopefully will be mating her end of next week to Neo (Darco Leon Kral`ovce of Pagency)
Waiting list for Rosie and Neo Pups are 3 for boys and 4 for girls
Don’t think it will be long before Mishka (Bergleerson Star) will be in season and will consider mating her with Bruin (Machk Bruin Du Plateau Bavarois (IMP BEL)
No Waiting list yet for Mishka and Bruins puppies